A corner of creativity and inspiration

The Bridge

Last night before bed, I had the opportunity to sit beside my 16 year old’s bed as we talked about some things that were bothering him. Now, this is my kid that bottles everything up, but when he finally opened up to me we had a good conversation! We were able to talk about how sometimes people don’t understand the supernatural abilities of God. It scares them a little bit, maybe? I told him that we would just pray about and he felt better getting off his chest about having to talk to someone (another adult) about spiritual things that they don’t understand. I won’t get into all the details, but it’s amazing how people will discount God and cheapen Him just because they haven’t seen Him work or refuse to allow Him to work in their life.
Yes, I said it.

As I was praying last night, in the middle of my prayer, the words that came out of my mouth were, “help me be a bridge to Jesus, Lord.” Well, I know you are going to think I have a few screws loose, but it was almost as if I didn’t say it…but I did. I almost got up and wrote it down because I was afraid I would forget it.

We all know that Jesus is The One who bridges the gap between us and God…and I don’t discount that one bit. It’s because of Jesus, I have eternal life. But let’s think for a minute….

A lot of people see Jesus as far off and unattainable. There is this deep chasm between Him and His presence in them through the Holy Spirit.
They don’t understand Him.
They are scared to make the first step.

That’s where believers MUST be. We must be standing there with these lost people and be the bridge to get them to Jesus. We must help them take the first step. We may have to figuratively lay down for them to walk across. Listen…I know that Jesus comes to exactly where we are, but as believers in Christ, we must bridge that gap! As I told my kid last night, you won’t do it if you are living like you are lost! Yep…I said that, too. We must look so much like Jesus that it is easy for them to walk toward Him.

Lord, help us to radiate you. Help us to show others how to meet you. Allow us the opportunity to bridge the gap between You and this world. Just because someone doesn’t understand you, doesn’t mean that they can’t see your hand upon our lives and experience you in a fresh and real way. You are so awesome and it is our duty to show those who don’t understand you how awesome you truly are!