A corner of creativity and inspiration

2020 Y’all!

For the last several years I have picked a word that I wanted to carry me through the next 365 days. In 2019, it was JOY. I can honestly say, 2019 was full of joy. There were hard days, but I tried to find the joy in everything…no matter how tired, frustrated, mad or sad I may have been. I will definitely continue to carry that and the words of Nehemiah into 2020. I have learned going into 2020 to not do anything unless it brings me joy…so I will be using the word “no” a lot more. It’s going to be tough and some feelings may be hurt, but that is what I am taking with me from my time traveled over the last year.

Over the last several weeks I have been thinking about what I wanted to carry into 2020. What word should I use as my jumpstart to a fresh year and decade? I have honestly tried to seek God in everything and not do anything that He didn’t want for me…but he wasn’t giving me the powerful word that I needed. I was getting frustrated because I needed this for my type A personality. But…I knew I would have something…so I just put it out of my mind and knew eventually God would reveal it to me. Without fail, Sunday morning Psalm 16:8 was read and it’s words fell into my heart like a brick thrown through a window pane.

“I have set the Lord always before me, because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.”
Psalm 16:8

This completely shattered MY thinking. You see, in my flesh, I have to lead. I have to be in control. I have to be pushing towards the next goal…always.

In 2020, I am going to FOLLOW.

Follow God unapologetically. I’m going to set Him before me…because He is the one in control. It’s not about me. It’s not about making my husband happy, my kids happy…it’s about pleasing the Lord. Making sure every step I take lines up with His plans for my life. He is right beside me.
I will NOT be moved.

2020 is going to be an awesome year for me personally and professionally. I am blessed and highly favored. God has plans for me and my family that far exceed my expectations. Any weapons formed against me will not prosper. The fiery darts of Satan will be quenched and will fall to my right and left. My home is protected and God has me kept on all sides.

Now, I bet you are thinking, she sure is being cocky. No…that is what comes with following God. It’s available for you, too. If God says it isn’t for me, I don’t want it…but I know God has so much for me and I am going to receive it! Are you?

Happy New Year, friends!

(This year’s bucket list…with a few from last year that I didn’t get to do)
