A corner of creativity and inspiration

Lesser Things

Why do we let this world distract us from the calling God has placed on our lives? Why do we focus on lesser things? For me, I don’t want to, but it’s so easy when we are over-worked, over-stressed and when we normally wear our emotions on our sleeves (that’s be me). I get completely weighed down at times with life and sometimes I just need to have a good cry, a hug and a little encouragement. Often times, I feel like I am constantly encouraging others and when I need encouragement, it is scarcely found from those around me. I had to remind myself, my encouragement must come from the Lord, because people will let you down. Do I have joy? Yes. Do I have peace? Yes. Do I know my Father in heaven has me in the palm of His hand? Absolutely. However, sometimes this world can get the best of the child of God and leave you feeling defeated, distracted and deceived.

The enemy has no place is my life, but let’s not forget he is smart. We must be wise to his cunning tactics and his schemes to distract us from blessings of God. For example, the last few days I have been overworked and have a tough schedule ahead of me before we enjoy a wonderful vacation. I spent the last four days upset over one small thing that happened to me and the devil had me believing his lies. Now listen, I knew what he was saying wasn’t true, but he was wearing on me so bad that I couldn’t shake it off. My husband didn’t know what to say to me, my kids kept asking what was wrong and eventually I ended up having a meltdown after church last night. I cried the whole way home and until I went to bed last night snuggled up in my sweet hubby’s arms. The devil had taken one small, LESSER THING and made it a mess in my life. Listen, I trust God above all things and know what His Word says, but the devil still gave me a run for my money…all because I was sleep-deprived and over-worked. He knows our weaknesses. I truly believe God is about to reveal something huge to me…that’s why this attack was so strong.

I don’t know why I felt the need to write this today…maybe it’s because someone needs to know that you are defeated. The devil will try to deceive you and deviate you from God’s plans for your life…just dismiss him. He has no authority over the child of God. Im going to say it again…you are NOT defeated. As I was reading in Nehemiah 6 today, he refused to allow the naysayers and schemes of those against him deter him from building the city walls. He stayed the course God had for him and didn’t stop. Maybe you’ve stopped something because the devil was attacking you from every side like Nehemiah? Stay on your “wall”…whatever it may be. Keep building for the Lord. The devil wants nothing more than for you to abandon the work of the Lord, but keep going. Refuse to allow the critics to deter you from your calling.

This prayer was part of my devotion this morning and I just had to share it, because it was definitely my feelings and my heart as I was studying and reading:

“God, You have lavished love upon me, and it is my heart’s desire to do each good work You call me to do. Help me not to become distracted with lesser things. Help me stay rooted in my identity as Your dearly loved child, equipped by Your power. Help me hide Your Word in my heart, that I might not sin against You. May everyone know that it is not I who accomplishes this work, but You, God. To You be the glory. In Jesus’ name, amen.