A corner of creativity and inspiration

Change is Beautiful

We don’t just wake up one day and become beautiful butterflies. Growth and change is a process. As I grow in faith, I am able to look back and see myself becoming more beautiful. Not physically, but spiritually, emotionally and mentally.

The things that once sent me “over the edge” don’t even get me out of my seat.

The hurtful words and lies that would cause my eyes to flood with tears, now don’t even cause me to reach for a tissue.

The stab wounds in my back are healed of the “friends” that said they would always be there.

The broken pieces of my heart that I wanted to hide have been beautifully crafted into a mosaic masterpiece that sits on the mantle of my life.

God is faithful.

It’s been a process and sometimes I feel like I need to go back inside my chrysalis and start over…but God reminds me as I read Isaiah 43 and in verse 19 that He is about to do something new. I have faith that He WILL take care of the things that trouble me.

I see it. He will make a way.

I’m not going to worry about the things that are ugly around me. I am going to wait patiently for Him to transform them into something beautiful. Unspeakable joy is flooding my spirit at this very moment that is only from the Lord…and you can have it, too.

“Look, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it?” Isaiah 43:19