Imagine the scene:
A runaway slave (Onesimus) that met Paul on house arrest, came to Christ and was sent back to his master, Philemon…but not as a slave, but as a friend, an equal partner sharing in the gift of God’s grace and love.
This tiny book of the Bible written by Paul never mentions the death and resurrection of Jesus as Paul had talked about in so many other letters…but he displays both in his actions toward Onesimus!
Paul wanted Philemon to see Onesimus as his brother in Christ. By law, Philemon had every right to put him to death, but Paul told him that he was now useful to him and could also be useful to Philemon. He was basically saying, “he is my friend and if you punish him, punish me, too…I will stand beside him and take his punishment.” Isn’t that what Jesus did for us? He took the punishment we deserved…removes us from the slavery of sin and makes us useful for the furthering off the Gospel! Each one of us are God’s Onesimus, needing the blood of Jesus to plead to the Father on our behalf. Even more awesome, his name means “useful”…Onesimus was living up to his name!
Are we living up to our calling, our name as Christians? Are we acting out the death and resurrection of Jesus in our daily lives through faith?
In His Word, God writes a letter to us, sending His very heart! We have an obligation to be useful for His Kingdom and display Jesus…not just talk about Him. Will we mess up at times? Yes. But the best part is that God will receive us all the same…no matter what wrongs we have done. Don’t let your past define you…your mistakes or failures. God wants to make you useful today. He has the ability to remove the chains of sin and make you free in Christ Jesus! You will be received with open arms.