Disobedience: refusing to do what is asked of you.
That’s my simple definition when I sit and think about. I don’t know what Webster or Google says, but I know that’s what it means to me.
Now when I think about that in my relationship with God, my heart gets a little heavy…I get a little knot in my throat. How many times has God asked me to do something and I just absolutely refused. Well, unfortunately probably more times than I can count.
As I was reading in Genesis 3 this morning about Adam and Eve choosing to eat from a tree that they were told not to touch…they chose disobedience. They had everything they needed, yet they chose to turn away from what was asked of them.
How does disobedience begin, though?
It begins when we allow ourselves to question God. We allow the enemy to wrap himself around the cross, that is the foundation of our faith and try to choke out what we know in our hearts as the absolute truth and authority over our lives. Now, God is more powerful than anything Satan can throw our way, but the problem isn’t Satan, but Self. Do not allow yourself to succumb to the lies of the enemy today. Do not find yourself questioning God on something you have already seen to be true! You have control over how you handle a situation, react to those who hurt you and respond to the temptations of this world.
God’s truth is so much louder than the enemy’s lies.