A corner of creativity and inspiration

Matthew 15

Our mouth can get ahead of us sometimes and we can talk out of turn or say something we didn’t mean. I am pretty guilty of both. 😏

In Matthew 15, Jesus said whatever comes out of our mouth is what defiles us. Yikes!

The attitude of our heart is displayed in our speech. What you put into your soul doesn’t make you righteous if it sits dormant…it must be spoken. The demons say Jesus is Lord, yet there is nothing spoken that edifies who He is. Well, same goes for us. If the faith that comes through The Word of God does nothing except go in your eyes and ears and dies deep within you, then you must count it as loss. The faith that comes OUT is what counts! Faith speaks.
On the other end, lack of faith also speaks. We don’t have to look very far to see a lack of faith in the world…
It speaks complaints.
It speaks lies.
It speaks hate.
It speaks death.

Is our speech full of faith or a lack thereof? Should we spend our day with tape covering our mouths because everything we say does nothing to edify God and draw others to Him? Does our mouth defile us?

Our faith is based on obedience and that starts with our tongue. We forget that rebellion can come not just in our actions, but also by the words that we speak. Be a speaker of faith…

Faith speaks peace.
Faith speaks truth.
Faith speaks love.
Faith speaks life.8C2987BE-AA76-41B9-AA9C-B89B3E65B70E