Wanted to do a video today, but my phone died because I forgot to charge it last night. I’ve had a bad headache all week.
It comes.
It goes.
It comes again.
It goes again.
I refuse to allow it to stop me from having good days, so I push through the pain and darkness it places in my head. Isn’t that how life is sometimes? We have dark places in our life. Things that frustrate us.
People that make us want to lose our Jesus on them.
Secret battles that only you and God know about.
We must push through….we must keep walking.
Let me shed some light on this rainy Friday…not my light, but THE LIGHT.
1 John says that God is light and there is ABSOLUTELY no darkness in Him. When we walk with Him and dwell in His presence, darkness has to flee. Now, we can allow our thoughts and our minds to turn around and look at the darkness, but just remind yourself that you can’t see in the dark…there is nothing but lies from the enemy there. The light is where there is revelation and truth. A lamp on the city street is a guiding light for those walking to their destination. You are walking to your destination, friend. It isn’t found in the darkness, but in The Light. We all have dark places that seem to completely block the sunshine in our soul, but I can promise that if you just stay on the lighted path that your Father has placed before you, there is deliverance. Don’t look at the dark and sorrowful places, but focus your attention on the brightness and joy that comes in Him.