A corner of creativity and inspiration

Jehovah Rapha

Does your house or car have a FIRST AID Kit? I used to have that little white box with two tiny bandaids, a pair of plastic tweezers and some expired antibiotic cream. I feel like when my kids were younger they would see that cross on the outside and automatically they knew that was the box that would make them feel better…so hence why it stayed empty most of the time. We quickly used all the gauze, bandaids and alcohol pads for their “ailments” over the years. Things haven’t changed much when it comes to my first aid supply. There’s no longer a box, but the basket of bandaids and assortment of creams are used quite frequently in a house full of boys. There’s just something magical about a bandaid, huh?

I want to continue to focus my spiritual sights on the names of God and the one that came to mind tonight was Jehovah Rapha…the Lord our Healer. In Exodus 15-22 we find the Israelites after crossing the Red Sea into the wilderness. They were out there three days and had no water. I can only imagine the thirst they were feeling. They came to Marah and found water, but when they went to drink, it was bitter. Now, here Moses is…listening to all these people grumble and complain…so he seeks the Lord and cries out to Him for help. The Lord showed him a log, to which Moses places in the water and it was then made sweet! Afterwards, God tells them that if they will diligently listen to the voice of the Lord and do what is right in His eyes, give ear to His commandments and keep his statutes, none of the diseases that were put on the Egyptians will fall on them. He then says, “for I am the Lord, your healer.”

That got me thinking…Moses knew that there was nothing he could do for these people. He couldn’t make the water fresh. He had a bunch of bitter people trying to drink bitter water. They were needing not only physical, but spiritual first aid! That’s when he cries to God. I think we can be like the children of Israel, too. We complain and get angry when things aren’t going our way. Our first reaction is to get mad instead of going to God. He holds the healing of any physical and spiritual “boo-boos” in our life, but we have to be willing to go to him FIRST.

He should be OUR FIRST AID, not a last resort.

Remember how I told you about my kids seeing that cross on the box and knowing it meant “feeling better”? Well honey, the cross of Jesus is the bandage to our broken world. He can make it better…actually He will make it better, ‘cause He’s coming soon, friend.

He is the ointment.

The cure.

The sweet tree…the root of Jesse that makes us fresh and new!

When you go to the cross of Jesus, you will find eternal healing. There is no bitterness, anger, grumbling, or lack found in the Father.

Be healed, right now. No magic bandaid…just the supernatural power of an Almighty God.

You don’t need a first aid kit…just go to Great Physician.