Reading back through sermon notes and the account of Jesus with the Gentile woman who had a demon-possessed daughter in Matthew 15, I just kept pondering on one thing…Maybe it’s because of the times we are living, but all I could keep thinking as I was reading and listening yesterday is this:
Jesus was so essential to this 1st century woman.
She had to get to Him.
She had to plea to Him.
She had to help her daughter and He was the only answer.
As a woman in 2020, IS Jesus essential to me?
Do I make time to get with Him and talk to Him daily?
Do I make my petitions known to my God in faith, knowing He cares for me?
Do I know that He is the only answer for me and my family today and in days to come.
We have spent so much time making over things of this world that will be burned up with fire and are frankly non-essential when it comes to Christian living. Those things which glorify the essential, living God are those that will last through eternity and the righteous judgement of our God.
When reading Matthew 15:21-28, you may think that Jesus’ responses were harsh…but we don’t have the luxury of hearing His tone. I believe He was inviting her to display greater faith. That’s how I feel about believers in these days…He is inviting us to display a greater faith.
Maybe that greater faith has been worshipping in a church parking lot because the church doors are closed?
Maybe it has been being faithful to sit and watch a live stream of the pastor’s message when other things pull at your attention?
Maybe it’s just been to trust that God would provide for your family when you aren’t drawing a paycheck?
Whatever it may be, I pray that Christians everywhere have received a renewed sense of just how essential Jesus is to our daily lives.
Our faith over the last couple of months may be the very reason that someone comes to know the saving grace of Jesus Christ and is healed.
ESSENTIAL to God’s redemptive plan.