How many times have you been walking through a parking lot and found a penny? I don’t know about you, but most people when they see a coin, they pick it up and rejoice a little inside that they found some money! Now when I was a kid, if you found one on heads it was really going to be a good day! That penny isn’t worth a whole lot in today’s market, but when we find it, we still celebrate a little on the inside, don’t we?
In Luke 15:8–10, Jesus tells a story of a woman who had 10 coins. One coin pretty much equates to a day’s wage. If she lost one of those coins, the Bible says that she would sweep, turn on the lights, and do a careful search until she finds it. When it is recovered, she is going to be ecstatic and tell everyone about it. It is precious to her! Well guess what…that rejoicing is the same in the presence of God with angels over a sinner who repents!
I bet you are thinking, what does finding a penny have to do with this story, Ashlee? That woman lost a whole lot more than a penny. Well, weren’t we all lost causes…coins, per se? I’ve heard Christian people say things about being worthless and invaluable, too. Listen, that is a tool of the enemy. He wants nothing more than to steal, kill and destroy the believer in Christ. His attacks aren’t aimed at the lost…he is aimed at making you feel like a lost penny in a huge parking lot…tiny and insignificant in the kingdom of God. As I was reading this passage this morning, I was reminded to not take for granted my own salvation, but the salvation of others and rejoice at all lost “coins” that are found!
If you feel insignificant and worthless, remember who you are and to Whom you belong. If you’ve never experienced the saving grace of Jesus, then you don’t realize how valuable you are to the God of the universe. Want the heavens to rejoice? Allow yourself to be picked up from the parking lot that is this world and used by the Father! By the world’s standard, pennies don’t mean a lot…but in God’s eyes they are worth reaching down and picking up!
Don’t forget you are loved. Christians need to hear that every once in a while, too. I know I do. It was a good remind to me this morning after a lot of stressful, busy days that I am loved with an everlasting love!