A corner of creativity and inspiration

Understanding the Unlikely

I read through Luke 2:8-14 tonight and the angel appearing to the shepherds that were attending their sheep in the fields. You know, I’ve always kinda pondered on why God would choose to tell shepherds first about the birth of The Savior…

As I read a little bit about shepherds in that day, I learned that these shepherds could have very well been those shepherds that were tending to the sheep of the temple flock. These were the lambs that would be used as sacrifices in the temple. Not just that, but they were considered the lowest of low. Their words pretty much meant nothing and weren’t even allowed to testify in the courts. They pretty much had bad reputations…maybe considered dirty and unworthy.

As I was reading this, I couldn’t help but see the significance of the shepherds caring for the lambs that would be sacrificed in the temple, being the first to be told about the Lamb of God that would be the sacrifice for our sins! Oh, how I love that symbolism! Then thinking of how God chose to tell the shepherds whose words couldn’t be trusted most of the time with the absolute most important message ever delivered to the world! It almost doesn’t make sense, doesn’t it? How are people supposed to believe someone when they can’t trust what comes out of their mouth. Seems like God should have chosen someone else that would have a little more of a chance convincing people of what was happening. But that’s where the point is missed…

Jesus is The Truth. Truth doesn’t need any convincing, now doesn’t it? It didn’t matter who would have been told first, because The Truth always stands! Gives me goosebumps…how about you? Yes, I’m sure it seemed crazy to think that this baby lying in a feeding trough wrapped up in torn strips of cloth could possibly be the answer to peace…but again we miss the point…

Jesus didn’t come as a political savior like Caesar Augustus. He didn’t come in clouds of glory with the majesty that He deserved. He came in a way that would be unexpected. He came humbly and graciously to offer mercy and grace. This baby that was born in a stable, because there was no room in the inn and would later say “has no place to lay His head” came to go to the cross. That was His place.

He came to give eternal peace to our soul. God is so good at putting His glory in an unlikely package. In doing so, His glory is so much more clearly displayed to those that choose to see past what doesn’t always make sense. It’s a whole lot easier to understand God when everything else doesn’t make sense, doesn’t it? We like making God complicated…but look how he choose a simple woman to carry His son, simple shepherds to spread the birth and a simple start for our Savior in a manger! He’s not complicated…we are. Don’t miss the point…

God loves you and went to great lengths to reconcile you back to Him. This unlikely beginning for Jesus makes for a beautiful ending for you and me!