A corner of creativity and inspiration


Was reading in Ephesians 1 this evening and I got stuck on verses 7-8 where Paul says,

“We have redemption in Him through His. Look, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace that He lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding.

Y’all, God didn’t just sprinkle a little bit of His riches on us. He lavished His riches upon us with all wisdom and understanding. What does that mean? Well, it means that when you turn on the faucet of your faith in Jesus Christ, it pours out an endless supply of whatever you need!

You have the blessing…
You have redemption…
You have an inheritance…

Do not forget that in Christ you lack absolutely nothing. You are showered in the riches of His grace! Now, that you know what you have…use it! Don’t forget that a shower is no good unless you turn it on. I can go and climb inside the bathtub and expect to get clean, but until I turn the knobs…there’s going to be no water. I will not get clean by staring at the bottles of shampoo and bar of soap sitting on the shower shelves. Most of the time we only allow a drop here and there to fall upon us, because we are scared of what God will do in our lives if we completely surrender the “shower” to Him! God is waiting patiently to drench your spirit and soul with whatever you need.

If you are sick, healing is already there.
If you need strength, it is already within you.
If you are hurting, there is joy coming.

This is the perfect time to evaluate and make changes to our lives as a new year is just ahead. God has communicated His plan to us. His plan has always been reconciliation back to Him and as believers we know that comes through Jesus Christ. In Jesus, there is everything and Jesus IS everything!

Why not allow yourself to take advantage of everything that has been showered upon you?!?! Take all the riches of His grace and use them to grow closer to Him in 2021. This universe is working toward everything being together under Him…He is coming soon…don’t be caught standing under a dripping faucet.

*I am going to start uploading my daily drawings as coloring sheets that you can save and print off to use for yourself or your kids (if you choose). For those that don’t want to color, I’ll give you a colored version, too. 😉
Hope you enjoy!