“The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power.” Ephesians 1:18-19
This is going to sound harsh (I don’t mean it to sound that way), but I believe so many Christians don’t know what they have in Jesus. We spend a lot of time with our head in the sand (figuratively speaking).
We can dedicate ourselves into a television show with 20 seasons and binge on those for weeks.
That’s sand, friend.
We can spend hours mindlessly scrolling through social media watching everything from tutorials to laughing at memes.
That’s more sand, sister.
We find ourselves staring in the mirror comparing ourselves with the girl that has been nipped, tucked and photoshopped wondering why we will never measure up.
That’s an even deeper hole to find yourself stuck.
When your head is in the sand of this world, it is so easy to forget who you are and to Whom you belong! Verses 18-19 in Ephesians 1 is Paul talking to the church of Ephesus and telling them that he is praying for them to see all the power that is given to them through Christ Jesus. I love when he says, “that the perception of your mind may be enlightened so you may know what is the hope of your calling.” That’s good stuff! How can we be enlightened? Get in The Word!
When you are in The Word and talking with the Father in prayer, your head cannot remain in the sand. This is where your perception is enlightened and you are seeing great and mighty things that God is orchestrating in your life. Yes, we know we are blessed, but do not forget that you are highly-favored, empowered and equipped to do exceedingly great things through Christ Jesus! You can’t recognize all the hope that you have in Him when your head is clouded by the sand of this world!
You are called to greatness.
You are called to possess supernatural power.
You are called to be holy and righteous.
You are called to live out the promises God has placed over your life.
Don’t stand around with your head in the sand. Know and understand everything that is given to you in Christ Jesus and fulfill His calling for you! There is no better time to start than right now!