A corner of creativity and inspiration

God is in Control

Job finally heard from the Lord in Chapter 38 and boy did God set him straight! God basically told Job, I am the one that asks the questions…not you. He also (rhetorically) asked Job, where was he when the world was created? He explains His sovereignty and control over everything in heaven and earth!

Job knew that God created everything and that if He is powerful enough to shut the sea with doors (Job 38:8), then He is powerful enough to take care of you and me! If God is in control of all of creation, then certainly He is in control of our circumstances!

How many times are we like Job and forget that God is in control? I know all too often I want to take the lead and try to push God off His throne so I can be in power of my life and the lives of those that I care about. However, I am nothing but the court jester…a fool…that has no power except through the Almighty One! We try our best to entertain God with half-hearted prayers and lives devoted to juggling things on our own instead of laying down at the feet of Jesus. Many times it takes a massive storm for us to quit playing around with God and “joking” with the life He has given us…a life that should be completely surrendered to Jesus Christ. A life that is completely in awe of His power over our lives and His majesty…the fact that He has this whole world AND my life in His hand! 
There is a God…but WE are not Him. We need to stop pretending we aren’t “buffoons” and trust the all-knowing One with our balancing act.