“The enemy is constantly on a warpath to keep you from realizing and utilizing the gift from God that is your breastplate of righteousness. He doesn’t want you to rest in the fact that your sins have been completely forgiven, that your current status and position is one of complete righteousness before God. He knows if you don’t see yourself as a righteous, holy daughter of God, you can never get around to wearing the breastplate that blocks him from successfully attacking the most vital part of your life—your heart.”
Remember, perfect righteousness discourages you because you will never be perfect. Only God is perfect
Comparative righteousness deceives you because even if your actions are better than someone else’s, they are still not as good as God’s.
Imputed righteousness defines you and declares you innocent before all accusers. This is done through trusting and having faith in Jesus as your personal Savior through His death on the cross.
“Therefore, it was credited to him (Abraham) for righteousness. Now it was credited to him was not written for Abraham alone, but also for us. It will be credited to us who believe in Him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead.” Romans 4:22-24
Guard your heart and claim the righteousness that is yours.
-The Armor of God, Priscilla Shirer