A corner of creativity and inspiration

Be Opened

We are so close-minded. Life experiences can make us quite closed-off, shut down and unwilling to open our hearts to others and even to God. When I was reading this morning in Mark 7, the Aramaic phrase, “Ephphatha” that Jesus spoke meaning, “be opened” stuck out to me. Yes, I know in this context it was about the deaf man’s ears, but we are all born spiritually deaf…needing a touch (like the deaf man) from Jesus. When Jesus comes into our hearts, we should be opened. 

For me, I want to…
Be Opened…to spend time alone with Him.
Be Opened…to pray for the concerns of His heart…even when they may not be my concerns.
Be Opened…to hear Him instruct, teach, mature me through His Word.
Be Opened…to follow Him wherever He takes me.
Be Opened…to see the displayed work of Jesus in my life.

Sometimes we miss blessings, miracles and the marvelous works of Jesus in our lives because our ears, eyes and most importantly our hearts aren’t open enough to receive them!