A corner of creativity and inspiration


I love the fact that Elijah built an altar of stones and drenched it with water to prove to the prophets/worshippers of Baal that only God can rain down fire in a soaking wet altar! 

Isn’t that how God is in our lives when we face a spiritual drought? We try to turn to everything to fill our cup, but the only thing that will fill our hearts that are empty and wounded is the Lord Almighty! He has the power to drench our souls with the promises in His Word and give our heart’s cup an overflowing abundance of peace and comfort. 

I have learned over the past year and a half that there is nothing…absolutely nothing that could have gotten me through the sadness and despair that I felt in my heart than the endless coffee pot of Jesus. He serves up a drink that will always satisfy and leave you with a full heart. 

No person, possession, profession or pain-relieving substance will ever fill the cup of a wounded, empty heart — not my heart, not your heart. It’s an emptiness only God can fill.

Unlike Baal, our God responds. Our God who answers. Our God always pays attention. 

1 Kings 18