In Kings 20, the Arameans failed to realize that The Lord is not just the God of the mountains, but He is also the God of the valleys. I think we fail to realize that same truth at times.
I feel like the valley is where our faith is strengthened. If God always allowed us to stay on the mountaintop, then we would forget just how much we truly do need Him each and every day. Unfortunately, we often only turn to Jesus when we have slid down the side of the mountain on our rear-end and are trying to dust ourselves off so we can start climbing again. What if we enjoyed the valley? What if we took in the view from the bottom and praised God for allowing us to fall down? When we are in that valley, we have no choice but to look up and see just how far He can take us. It’s all about changing our perspective on why we go through things in this life.
Ever sat back and thought about the things you have now that you were once praying for? I’m sure those prayers came from the valley more often than not…but God saw fit to answer those prayers. Are you still praising Him for them or are you just enjoying the benefits of the mountaintop view and forgetting the climb it took to get you there?
1 Kings 20:28