When Elisha visits the prophet’s widow in 2 Kings 4, she is left destitute and fearing that her kids are going to become slaves because she owes some money. Elisha asks what she has in the house and all she says is “a jar of oil”. Elisha tells her to go and borrow jars from all the neighbors and then come back and start pouring that oil into all the empty jars. Well, of course when all we have is a little, God can take it and turn it into a lot! She filled up all the containers that she had gotten and was able to sell the oil to pay off her debt and live off the leftovers!
Don’t you love it when you feel like you have very little to give, but God just multiplies it and leaves you overflowing with more than you ever imagined was possible? Don’t doubt that God can take what you think is insignificant and perform a miracle. We like to put God in a proverbial jar of sorts and not allow Him to be poured out over our lives in abundance. Have faith that He can do the seemingly impossible if we just trust Him. God is a big God…unfortunately we are usually a small-minded people unable to take the tiny things in our possession and give them to Him in faith for big things to happen.
2 Kings 4:2-7