A corner of creativity and inspiration


There is so much power in the Holy Spirit. I think as believers we often forget the untapped potential that lives inside of us because we have a mighty God dwelling within us! We try to rely on our own power…our own strength…or “plug into” other sources of energy to get us through the day or to help us through a trial. 

But what if we just plugged into Jesus and His power? Peter knew where the power of healing came from when he was questioned by the Sanhedrin in Acts 4. What if we were like Peter and recognized and allowed God’s power to fuel every aspect of our lives? No, it doesn’t mean that everything will always be wonderful, but we can expect to have enough energy to sustain us through our trials. When other sources fail, we can always count on God to have plenty of juice to keep us running! 

I love being able to plug into Jesus and be powered through the Holy Spirit living within me! I know that without being plugged into Jesus over the last year, I would have made some decisions that were based on what I wanted and not what God had for me! Trust that even though you may not understand why God has you in a particular outlet…there is the voltage you need there to get you through. Or, it could be that you are like my vacuum cleaner that will not reach all the way across my living room. I have to move the cord to another outlet to move forward and finish. Maybe God knows you aren’t ready to reach out to the next area, so he has you plugged in where you are…to get powered up in Him…before He moves you forward. You may feel like your cord is stretched, but be patient and trust that you need to be plugged in where you are. Just don’t pull too hard away from God and come unplugged from The Source. 
He has the power. 
Not you.

Acts 4:7
“They had Peter and John brought before them and began to question them: “By what power or what name did you do this?”