Finished up Amos this morning and it was such a relief to see God remain faithful after so much judgement in the previous 8 chapters. We would be crazy to think any different of our God. He is just, but loving. He always does what He says He is going to do. After all the ruins, God restores and rebuilds the cities. It shows that He is faithful to His covenant commitment to His people, both then and forever.
As I was sitting and reading, verses 14-15 resonated with me. They gave me hope. Over the last month, I have felt like I am living in a city of ruins so to speak…maybe you feel that way sometimes? My house was broken into, I did $1500 worth of damage to the front end of my car (that is going to stay damaged for quite awhile I might add), I have no heat or air in my car (and haven’t been able to diagnose why) and then Sunday after church I can home to a flooded laundry/mud room from all the rain! There have many days of tears and frustration and just wanting to throw my hands up. I don’t want to complain/whine, because I know it’s just the devil trying to steal my joy….trying to get inside my head and make me feel as though I can’t do this “single mom thing”.
But, then there is God. He reminded me this morning that He will rebuild the ruins into a city of hope. He reminded me of how far I have come over the last two years. He reminded me of all the blessings that I want to forget among the trials. You may be standing on what feels like a healing pile of ruins…but trust me…the ground will soon begin to shake and from underneath will emerge a renewed sense of hope from the Father!
There will be ups and down in this life, but God is faithful until the end. He will restore. He will renew. The future will bring plenty, where there was none.
I’m clinging to the promise that God is good in the ruins and in the rebuilding.