I’m having a hard time gleaning from the first couple of chapters in Micah. Not quite sure why, but it seems like I kept reading and studying about the judgement that was being prophesied by Micah and couldn’t get a clear thought about me…much less a visual in my head. I was drawn (no pun intended) to this statement and decided to highlight it. Maybe this is what I needed to take from those two chapters over the last couple of days.
How often we forget that our confession and conduct are intertwined. How often do we spend time trying to convince others that we love the Lord through our actions, but our inner heart is not one of complete submission to what the Lord has for our lives?
Yup. So very true. We see it all the time within ourselves and the lives of our friends and family. We want everyone to think we are good by completing our “holy list” of to-do items, but we fail to live for a higher purpose. Religiosity vs True Worship. Yup. That’s it. I needed that.