A corner of creativity and inspiration

Philippians 4:11

Philippians 4:11 (ESV) “Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content.”

“There are days I’ve taken more than I can give
And there are choices that I made
That I wouldn’t make again
I’ve had my share of laughter
Of tears and troubled times
This is has been the story of my life

I have won
and I have lost
I got it right sometimes
But sometimes I did not
Life’s been a journey
I’ve seen joy, I’ve seen regret
Oh and You have been my God
Through all of it”

I love the fact that no matter where you are in life, God is ALWAYS there. I truly believe He places us in hard soil to test our faithfulness to Him, not as a punishment or to cause us pain. In that hard soil, when we choose God, our faith in Him is strengthened (or at least mine was)…and through that faithfulness He blesses you with a bountiful harvest.

Bloom where you are planted. With Living Water as your sustainment, the end result is a beautiful bouquet with the scent of the Savior that will fill the air around you!