A corner of creativity and inspiration

Walk in the Light

I’m sure the death of Jesus surprised the crowd in John 12. They weren’t expecting Him to die. They were expecting a ruler that was going to bring Israel to power. 

God had different plans.

Often times, God’s plans/will catch us off guard. We expect a different outcome from something we have prayed for or we want a situation to go in our favor, when God knows all along the end result. Are we able to walk in The Light even when things don’t go as we had hoped? God wants us to trust Him during these times. He knows best even when can’t see from His point of view.

Remember, when we walk in our own light, it only shines so far and eventually it burns out. We must walk in God’s glorious light…God’s bulb is brighter and never needs replacing. When we walk in His Light, our pathway is clearer and we can move forward knowing and trusting where He is leading us. It may not always make sense, but we don’t have to know how the bulb puts off light in a dark room…we just have to trust that when we flip the switch, it works. God’s plan always works.

John 12:35-36