I love old Bibles. Those Bibles that have little notes and scriptures underlined or highlighted. After Kevin’s grandfather passed away this past fall, he got one of his Bibles. Today, I picked it up and was just thumbing through the pages and seeing if there were any notes or underlinings. There were several, but I decided to ponder on these verses a little while from John 14.
“Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you into myself; that where I am, there he may be also.” (John 14:1-3)
We get caught up in this world, don’t we? It brings a lot of trouble. Sometimes we ask for it…other times it seems to find us, from no fault of our own. The disciples hearts were so heavy and troubled in the previous chapter over learning that Jesus would be leaving them. So, after supper (The Last Supper) He took a moment to minister to them, knowing that He was headed to the cross. That’s Jesus, folks. He sees our troubled hearts and ministers to us…out of all the people in this world, He cares intimately about what troubles our heart at any given moment. When you pray, He is listening to your every word or moan, even when words won’t come out, He hears the hurt behind your tears.
When you are caught up in your troubles, take a minute to pull up a seat at the table with Jesus.
Talk to Him. Express your fears.
Allow His peace to penetrate your being. We say we believe, but do we trust Him to do what He said? If we can believe that Jesus calmed the physical storm in Luke 8, then we must trust Him to calm the troubled waters in our life. Fear isn’t on the menu with Jesus. Savor His goodness. When you are sitting at the table across from the Savior, you can’t help but be filled. The best part, his peace tastes amazing and it’s calorie-free!