So….we are at the water park the other day and I noticed two older ladies “twinning”. I told myself after a good chuckle that I needed a picture of these ladies in their matching bathing suits. In the moment, I thought it was cute…but this morning as I was reading my Bible, God pulled me to this picture and said, “Those ladies at the pool are how you should be with Me.” I know what you are thinking…huh?
They look almost identical. Where you seen one, you seen the other. They stood out from everyone around them. They didn’t care that they matched…they took pride in it. Often times we forget that we should “match Jesus”. When others see us, they should see Jesus. We should stand out from the crowd…be set apart. We should be “twinning with Jesus” daily!
These ladies are true friends…maybe sisters, I dunno. That is what God wants with us. He wants us to be so caught up in Him that people can’t tell where Jesus stops and we began! God also reminded me that yesterday I wasn’t doing a lot of “twinning with Jesus” in certain situations. I didn’t match Jesus at all. I believe God has a sense of humor…I mean, come on…He used a picture of these two ladies in their bathing suits as a reminder to match Him and His Word daily!
“Be imitators of me…” 1 Corinthians 11:1