A corner of creativity and inspiration

The King Forever

When you read Psalms 10 and it talks about all the evil in the world and the questioning of the Lord’s absence through it, I am sure that I am not the only one at times to feel like God isn’t around or He doesn’t see the madness swirling around me.

Rest assured…He sees it all. 

Just like at the end of the Psalm (verse 16), “The Lord is King forever and ever…”. Kings see everything within their kingdom…and the Lord is King of every land. There isn’t one area of your life or mine that God doesn’t have dominion over. We may allow evil to take over in our lives, but God is there, waiting on us to recognize that He can use His power and authority on behalf of us, when we realize we need Him.

It goes on to say later that God “hears the desire of the humble”, “He listens carefully doing justice for the oppressed”. Maybe you feel that way today…crushed down, treated unfairly or someone has been cruel to you. Trust me. God sees it. Keep your eyes focused on the King and His banner. Don’t be distracted by the fools of the court. The foolish ones act like they can do what they want without answering to God (and we know that’s not the case).

Be like David as he was writing this Psalm. End on a high note…don’t allow the evil around you to drown out the sweet sound of God working through you! Evil is out there, but so is God. He is bigger than any evil in your life. 

You know the power of God. Live in it.

Psalm 10