Yesterday was a rough morning. Isn’t it always that way before church? The devil loves to cause a little bickering or fussing to throw you off your game before you go worship the Lord. A few weeks ago, I remember the pastor making the statement that he always tries to wear peppermint shoes, so when he sticks his foot in his mouth at least it tastes good. I chuckled at that statement, but oh how true! Yesterday, I wish I would had a pair myself, because I stuck my foot in my mouth pretty good. To make matters worse, it was to my teenager. I had to apologize to him after church because I said something I shouldn’t. His smart mouth and attitude ’caused me to lose control and say something I didn’t mean. I had a taste in my mouth, but it sure wasn’t peppermint, friend. Where’s a good pair of shoes when you need them?
The Bible says:
“Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” Colossians 4:6
“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” Ephesians 4:29
I know you can probably think back to a time when your conversation wasn’t seasoned with salt, like me on Sunday morning. I kept telling myself yesterday that I don’t need those peppermint shoes, I just need a life “peppered” with the Holy Spirit. I need it to fill up my being and scatter throughout every aspect of my life…my thoughts, my talk, my walk. How do we allow our speech to be peppered with the Holy Spirit? Jesus said in Matthew 12:34 that out of heart, the mouth speaks. If we are full of love and compassion, then our speech will reflect that. It’s a heart thing.
If you have found your speech is no longer seasoned with salt and you are constantly walking around with the taste of peppermint in your mouth, then maybe your heart is not in the right place. I know my heart wasn’t in the right place on Sunday morning…it happens to the best of us. I was frustrated with things that my child had no control over and when he reacted in a way he shouldn’t, my speech followed my heart. When I make a conscious effort to remember what God says and hide His words in my heart, it is easy to leave the peppermint shoes in the closet.
One response to “Peppermint Shoes”
[…] me…it is a learning process and we may still stick our foot in our mouth (remember those peppermint shoes?), but when we are filling our hearts with wisdom we will be motivated to speak with language that […]