A corner of creativity and inspiration

God Always Answers

Remember the red phone on the old television show Batman? Commissioner Gordon never had to worry about Bruce Wayne not answering when he called Him. He always picked up the flashing phone at Wayne Manor, because he knew Gotham needed him.

Well, when I was revisiting the sermon from Sunday in Jeremiah 33:3, I couldn’t help but think about God being just like that. 

If we call, God answers.

Lately, if I am being honest, my prayer life has taken a back burner…I pray, but not like I know God wants me to. I have felt Him wanting me to start praying with the boys openly and together…something we only do when we are in trouble or maybe as a “last resort”. This morning as we prayed before school holding hands with one another (they totally dislike this part 🤣), I am trusting that God is going to do some miracles within our lives. I’m clinging to the promise of great and mighty things happening. I know that God knows my type A, control freak, perfectionist personality and He most times is just waiting on me to turn on my distress call…”my bat signal”. I know I need God and know He is capable of miraculous things within my life, if I just pick up my spiritual phone and call on Him. 

Holy dial tone, Batman!

That phone line to God is always open. He always answers (in accordance with His will and in His time) and when we pray, it shows our dependence on Him and where our faith truly rests. It’s so good to know when I finish praying, there is a peace that comes over me that everything is going to be okay. God always comes through and “saves the day”. There will always be new trials, but that red phone is always there on the desk of our lives and it never goes unanswered if we will just pick it up. He’s always there.

Same God time. Same God channel.