A corner of creativity and inspiration

Psalm 25:21

Waiting is so hard. Often times when we are waiting, we tend to get angry or lose our integrity. I know I’m guilty…I will let the devil take over because I don’t have the patience to stand firm and wait on God. I let the winds of change in my life take over and control me. Usually, that results in me feeling depressed or unmotivated with life in general.

As I was reading in Psalm 25 this morning, verse 21 says, “I will stand firm with integrity and honesty. I will wait for the Lord.” The picture that came to my mind was a windmill. 
Think about it for a second…A windmill stands firm in the winds of change. It takes the wind blowing around it and converts it into energy. The blades turn faster as the wind gets harder. The wind slows down, the blades slow down. The winds may change direction, but it adjusts and stands firm while it waits on the winds to stop. It takes those windy seasons and makes something productive out of it. Something useful.

When the winds of change blow in our lives do we stand tall, unwavering and allowing the wind to generate “holy power” within us? Do we adjust with integrity and honesty, standing firm on our faith…in what God is going to do once the wind stops blowing? When the winds calm down, there is something useful for His glory that will be generated in our lives! Don’t allow the wind to change you…use it to your advantage…to be turned around…turned around for God’s glory!