A corner of creativity and inspiration

Microwave Mentality

I have none. Kevin always says I want everything done yesterday. I don’t like to admit it, but he is so right. 

Sunday morning, the pastor made a statement about having a microwave mentality when it comes to God and His plans for us. We want everything yesterday….we don’t like waiting. 
Yep, that’s me, God. I claim it.

We were in Jeremiah 29:4-14 where an oracle from the Lord was given that promised a positive change. It was going to take 70 years, so God told them to build, plant, marry, multiply and pray. Would I be willing to wait 70 years for God to complete His restoration in my life? 

Over the last couple of years, I have learned not to be so quick to throw my life in the “spiritual microwave” after a couple minutes of prayer. I’ve tried to marinate on what God would have for me…maybe throw it in the slow-cooker for a while on low and let it simmer through many prayers, while I wait on the Lord. It isn’t easy, but I feel as though in doing that, I haven’t made a hasty decision that I regret. I’ve also learned that sitting back and smelling the aroma of God “cooking” over time, makes me appreciate the meal that He planned for me so much more….more fulfilling. I have a long way to go, I can assure you, but God has shown me the power in patience.

Often times God doesn’t want us to have the quick and easy. He wants us to wait…patiently. That microwave can get the job done fast, but everything tastes better when cooked slower, over time. You may feel like you are hopeless and your 70 years has passed…but just as the Lord promised the people of Judah, He promises you to keep doing what you are doing. Take your faith from the microwave and quit trying to be in control…trust Him with your plans. They taste so much better!