A corner of creativity and inspiration


This morning on the way to school, Tucker was talking about a song that was “cringy”. I know that isn’t a word, but he was saying when he hears this song it makes him cringe, because he hears it all the time. “It’s old”, he said. “It was made in 2006”, he said. 
As I sipped my coffee and continued driving, I said to myself, “I was made in 1980, so I must be extremely cringy.” 

I was reading this morning in Psalms 33 and in verse 3, David says, “Sing to Him a new song; play skillfully on the strings, with loud shouts.” When I read those words, I immediately thought of how “cringy” I feel sometimes when it comes to my praises to the Lord. God doesn’t want our rehearsed prayers and a recording of the same tune over and over when we come to Him. He wants a song from our heart…where the melody delights in Him no matter what is happening around us! The “new song” are praises that should emerge because of a fresh awareness of God’s grace! 

I like what Spurgeon says:
“Singing for singing’s sake is nothing worth; we must carry our tribute to the King, and not cast it to the winds.”

When it comes to worship, in public or in private, I don’t want God getting all “cringy”, as Tucker says. I don’t want to sing praises for singing sake, but use the strings of my praise skillfully and intentionally to breathe life and soul into my worship each day. I want my heart swirling praises like music as it fills the air around me with a sweet melody to The King….not scattered in the wind.

I guess sometimes God has to make us feel cringy to help us grow in Him.