A corner of creativity and inspiration

Unexplained Miracles

You know those miracles of God that are so unexplainable? I had one this morning. 

My miracle is best described like a play from the local little theater…And I have the starring role. How exciting!

(Curtain opens)

Scene 1: (Ashlee’s living room, asleep on couch)
I wake up in the middle of the night remembering that I forgot to set my alarm. I roll over with sleepy eyes, screen blinding my face and get everything ready for an early start with my 5:45 alarm, so I’m not rushing around all crazy when I wake up. I decided to move to the bed where I can finish my beauty sleep…or lack thereof.

Scene 2: (Ashlee’s bedroom)
At 6:47 am, I wake up. 
What!?!? Are you serious? Six. Forty-seven. My alarm was supposed to go off an hour ago! Son of a nutcracker! This is not gonna be good. I run in Tucker’s room and wake him up so he can get in the car, because we have to go all the way to Boiling Springs to pick up Tanner at Parris Bridge Road. I have to be there at 7:00 am. Now mind you, I am in my pajamas, Tucker is in shorts and no shirt. I still have to go back home and get dressed and have both kids to school by 7:25 am, so they can get educated and I “substitute educate”. I pick him up at 7 o’clock….just as promised. Thank the Lord!

Scene 3: (In the car). Dear Lord, baby Jesus please slow down the time”, I kept telling myself! I make it back to my house, behind three slow pokes, two school zones, and one kid in the backseat saying, “I should have brought a blanket”, because he had no shirt on and I had the air on full blast. That’s cause when I panic, I sweat. I don’t know if that’s a normal body reaction, but sweet heavens above!!! By the time I arrived back to home at 7:10 am, I looked like a long-haired dog after a bath. 
It. Was. Not. Good.

Scene 4: (All characters running around the house)
I rush in and throw my greasy, wet hair in a pony-tail, jump in some clothes (thankfully I’m subbing in PE today) and slap some make-up on my face like joint compound on fresh drywall and out the door we go at 7:25 am. Tanner is going to have to get a ride to school by 7:50 am from Nanny. I’m sure she was not happy when I woke her up at 7:00 am in a state of panic, as if a tornado had taken off my roof. She said, “okay.” I hang up the phone. I got to get some mascara on, people!

Scene 5: (school parking lot) 
I arrive at the school at 7:30 am with coffee in hand and get out of the car like I have everything together. Fake it to you make it. I promise you, God has a sense of humor. Yesterday, I’m talking about relaxing and taking it slow…today I’m like a race car driver crossing the finish line at Charlotte Motor Speedway….with the checkered flag being the fourth parking spot on the left at the local elementary school. I’m talking about Folgers for the win and those Excedrin Migraine I should have taken straight outta the pits of my bed this morning. Lord, give me strength!

(Curtain closes)

Sometimes we need big miracles…like someone being cured of cancer when doctors have no hope. Other days, the miracle is something small…like my morning. I don’t know how it happened, but it did! I said yesterday I needed to slow down even when time doesn’t…today, God said I need you to speed up, while I slow down the time!

If it’s important to you, it’s important to God. 
God slowed down the universe for 30 minutes for me this morning. 

What’s your little miracle for today?

“Just as a father has compassion on his children, So the LORD has compassion on those who fear Him.” -Psalm 103:13