A corner of creativity and inspiration

No Bull

The cattle on a thousand hills are God’s. So as you go about your Friday, remember that if he owns the beasts of the forest, the cattle on the hills, the birds of the air and the insects on the ground…He will take care of you! 

If you have placed your faith and trust in Him, you are branded with Christ! That’s no bull!

Don’t spend your day being defeated from whatever happened this week that has you discouraged. Look forward to all the green pastures in front of you. God takes care of all the beasts of the world, so I have the utmost confidence He will definitely take care of you, my beautiful friend! Don’t think He doesn’t “give a lick” about your troubles…just give him time…He is going to “steer” you in the path you should go.

“…for every animal of the forest is mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills. I know every bird in the mountains, and the insects in the fields are mine. Psalm 50:10-11

Disclaimer: I’m sorry that I love puns way more than any grown woman should. Now, go grab Friday by the horns (sorry…I couldn’t help it) and make it fabulous!