A corner of creativity and inspiration

Casting Cares

This is so hard for me to write…’cause I like being everything to everybody. I don’t want to let myself or others down and make anyone unhappy. I have felt for several weeks that I have been black and white in a colorful world. I have felt lackluster…overwhelmed…overly-emotional and drained of all the color in my life. Honestly, I’m not sure why, because I am blessed. God has been so good to me and shown me so much beauty from the ash piles of my life. I have let my anxieties, cares and worries take control and drain the life out of me to the point that I was just going through the motions most days, just waiting until I could go to bed and hopefully sleep off this funky feeling. I know I am not the only woman that has been there. 

I haven’t really shared this with anyone but God…because I don’t want to look like a whiner, so I would try to give it to Him, but for some reason I kept reeling it back in every time I casted it to Him. It’s easy to do that if you are a control-freak like me. At church yesterday, after hearing this verse in Sunday School and preaching, there was no question that God was saying to me, “Stop reeling back in those dang burdens!” He probably doesn’t say dang, ‘cause that ain’t holy…but you know what I mean. I must refuse to carry the weight of stuff that really doesn’t matter and trying to spread myself so thin that I lose my “color”. I decided yesterday to grab my bucket of cares and toss them back to Him. I decided for the last time to cast my cares on Him and just let the rod just stay in the water. I’m not gonna try to fish for those problems anymore…I’m going to trust God to let them sink to the bottom of the pond, beyond my reach. I have the faith that as long as my line is hooked to Him, I don’t have to worry about reeling in old worries and anxieties. 

God is great, but He is also good. He knows our hearts and He wants to give you life and give it to you more abundantly. The devil knows your weaknesses and will use them against you to steal your joy. Don’t allow him the satisfaction of even jerking your line a little. Just sink your hook into Jesus…cast your cares on Him today and trust that as you are sitting on the bank, God is taking those cares into the depths of the water, where you have no chance of pulling them back in! Your blessings far outweigh your burdens even on your worst day. Focus on your bucket full of blessings…not the burdens you are trying to toss back!