A corner of creativity and inspiration

Amos 4:2

Amos is a tough read. It’s a lot of judgement from God because His people choose to live in disobedience and rebellion. Isn’t that a lot like us Christians in present days? We love Jesus, but we don’t want to walk with Him daily? We have a form of Godliness, but we don’t live in the power that true surrender has to transform our lives! We love us some sin…even though we pretend that we don’t.

There is a verse that I read this morning that stuck out to me because here lately I am surrounded by fishing. It says in Amos 4:2, “ Look, the days are coming when you will be taken away with hooks, every last one of you with fishhooks.” I have done some studying and it seems that the Assyrians were notorious for impaling their captives by hooks in the nose or face, but I want to take things a different route. Maybe it isn’t what God meant, but it is what I gleaned from the pages of my Bible this morning…

These Israelites were so lured by sin. A lot like a bass is lured by that jerk bait, crank bank or maybe even a “shaky head”. Lawdy, I sound like I know what I’m talking about, huh? Well, that’s how sin does us. It lures us in…we may not jump on it at first, but the devil is smart…he is persistent like that fisherman…he keeps throwing it out there…’cause he know you hungry for something in life and eventually you are gonna go after that shiny, beautiful lure of sin because it is everything you want in life. But be careful my friend…’cause that sin that looks awfully delicious hides hooks within. And let me tell you, sometimes you may be able to escape with a little nibble, but based on the reading of Amos, eventually those fishhooks are going to hook! 

Playing with sin may not get you caught every time, but it lures you in and you usually get hooked if you keep on biting. 

I’m just thankful that even though we serve a God that is just, He is also a God that can remove the fishhooks of sin and set you free! If you struggling with a sin, please message me (I don’t need to know your business), but I just want to pray for you. I don’t know why God laid this on my heart, but Lord knows we all struggle…give it to God and let Him take care of Satan’s lures and know I am praying for you!