A lot of people are worried about this election…I think I have possibly worried a little myself. What if my candidate doesn’t win…but what if he does? Well, guess what…
God isn’t worried about this election. He ain’t pacing the floors of heaven and wringing his hands in fear. He is seated on the throne.
Ephesians 5:1 says, “therefore be imitators of God, as dearly loved children.”
From this moment until the voting results are in, let’s remind ourselves to be as God and walk in love. Being imitators of our Father, let’s speak peace, love and show grace…no matter what side of the political line you choose to stand. As Christians, it is our job to be representatives of Jesus…not a political party.
‘Cause no matter who lives in the White House, God IS and WILL continue to be seated on His throne! The President will just be the president, but God is King forever and ever.