I got stuck on Proverbs 24:13-14 this morning while reading. I got to thinking about beekeeping as I read and decided to do some research on being a beekeeper and harvesting honey from the hives. I don’t know about you, but I just assumed you put some boxes out in the yard or a field and let the bees do their thing…but then again, what do I know!?!? In reading, I learned that now beekeepers have to worry about parasites and diseases that they didn’t have to worry about years ago, so they can’t just leave the hive alone. They have to keep a watchful eye on the hives throughout the year by opening them up and looking for anything that might be starting to develop and clean out any pests or add barriers such as chemical treatments to keep the hive from disease.
Even more, I didn’t realize this, but honey is basically bee vomit.
Yep. Puke.
That sweet stuff comes from nectar being mixed with an enzyme in the bees stomach which inverts the sugars. This inverted nectar is regurgotated and placed in the honey comb cell. Depending on temperature, relative humidity (for drying), and a nectar source, the bees rapidly beat their wings to dry before it has cured enough to be sealed and capped. This drying prevents fermentation. Once it has been capped in the cells within the hive , it is ready for harvest.
Then there’s that suit. I know you’ve seen the jumpsuit and the hat with the net covering to prevent stings. Without that suit, it would be quite difficult to do anything with the hives because the bees would sting you with every chance they got! It’s your protection so you can receive your reward…your honey!
Now, pursuing wisdom is hard work. It requires you, like the beekeeper and her hives, to open up God’s Word, examine it, study it and treat it well, so it can produce within you. If you are working hard on your spiritual hive, you can expect to produce honey for your soul. Even better, as we produce honey for own heart when reading, within us changes and when regurgitated to those around us, they get to experience God through us! My goodness that’s sweet! Wisdom not only changes us, but we have the ability to influence others and draw them to Jesus with the sweet aroma of the Holy Spirit living within us! Pursuing wisdom can also hurt a little…sometimes a lot. I can promise you, every time I read scripture, I feel a little sting. Why? Because I have not capped off my hive with perfection in Him. Without God’s Word as our protection, to show us right and wrong, we are setting ourselves up for stings from this world. That beekeeper isn’t going to go and handle those bees without her suit of protection…it would be silly when she has everything she needs to guard herself right in front of her. My question is, why don’t we allow The Truth to protect us from the devil’s attacks and stings?
Being a true follower of Christ is much like the beekeeper’s job. It’s hard work. But for all the work, comes a sweet reward. For the beekeeper, it is honey for the belly. For a child of God, it is honey for the soul. Digest His Word, for it is good!