A corner of creativity and inspiration

Blurred Vision?

I usually wear my contacts just because they seem to be lower maintenance for me, however last week I gave my blind eyes a break from contacts and wore my glasses. Well, I guess because I am so accustomed to hopping out of bed, fixing my coffee and getting my youngest off to school, I forgot that I had worn my glasses the day before. I realized it after I had pulled out of the driveway and everything was blurry except the couple feet of road right in front of my car! Now, I know the way to my kids school. I have traveled it twice a day for the last 9 years…so I know what the speed limit is in the section I travel, I know which traffic light to turn at and I know where cars may possibly pull out in front of me. I am familiar with the route. I probably could get you there with my eyes closed. It is engrained in my memory. I wasn’t worried or stressed…I was calm and got back home with no problems.

Now let’s think spiritually for a minute. What happens when our spiritual vision is unclear? When the devil has blurred the lines between truth and deceit? When he has whispered doubt in our ears and we start to see the cleared path before us suddenly become unclear? We get worried…stressed…there no peace.

We must have the Word of God hidden in our heart. The words on those pages must be deep within our spirit. Just like I knew how to get my kid to school with blurred vision and not seeing the road signs or everything around me clearly…we must be able to remind ourselves and Satan of what the scriptures say when our spiritual vision is blurred. Maybe you don’t know the reference, but if the Words of God are embedded in your memory and mind when your spiritual vision is blurred, you can rely on what you know to guide you…not what is going on around you! The Truth is always clear! Furthermore, when we know God’s Word, treasure it, and hide it within our hearts, we are less likely to sin. When we love God and His Word, our love is expressed by obedience to His Word in our speech, actions and attitudes. Our own flesh at times can blur the lines of truth…but when we meditate on the Lord and His Word both day and night…our spiritual vision is clear! We are at peace.

Lord, help me to always have a clear vision of what Your Word says. Let me always be focused on Your Words…Your Truth…so much that the lies and whispers of the devil are drowned out. You will never steer me wrong. The more I am in The Word, the more The Word gets inside me. Your guidance leads to miraculous destinations! I’ll wink to that!

“You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.” Isaiah 26:3