A corner of creativity and inspiration

Broken Promises

This world will lie to you. Even some of the people that you thought you could trust will let you down.

But, one thing is for certain…God NEVER breaks His promises. In Psalm 89, the psalmist talks about the covenant that God had with David and how He exalted Him. Verse 34 stood out to me, because it says “I will not violate My covenant or change what My lips have said.” Thank you Lord!

Remember that today…tomorrow and the next day. God doesn’t change. The same God that chose David when he was anointed as a boy with oil, is the same God that has a covenant with you! He wants to exalt you, anoint you and do great and mighty things through you! Don’t forget that He hasn’t changed and His lips aren’t saying anything different to us through the scriptures as they said to those in the Old Testament. That gets me excited and it should you, too!

Thank you Lord for your faithfulness and for never breaking a promise to me. You are steadfast and never changing. I will trust in You.

Live in the knowledge today that even though other’s lips may change, God’s remain unchanged! There’s no broken promises with God!

Psalm 89