A corner of creativity and inspiration

Canning God’s Love

You know me…I keep things real (God knows I wish I wasn’t so real most days, but maybe someone needs to hear this). Yesterday, I didn’t move off the couch…I slept off and on…I watched Netflix…I ate junk. I feel very unloveable. I know who I am in Christ…but the devil knows our weaknesses and He uses them against us. He wants to defeat me as I try to pursue Jesus wholeheartedly. He wants me to feel unworthy. He wants me to feel alone. But, when I (or you) feel these ways…we have to turn to Jesus. So, I pulled up God’s Word and then seen this prayer. 

“Thank You God for loving me. And not just a little, but with lavished overflowing love that is unfailing, abounding and forever. Help me to remember that because I am in You and You are love, I am therefore constantly living in Love. Always belonging and never left out. Forever cherished and never excluded from Your grace, goodness and faithfulness.”

1 John 3:1 (NIV) “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!”

Lavished in love…God’s love. When something is lavished upon you, you have an overwhelming abundance…enough to use in the moment and then some to store some for later. I’m just gonna do a little “canning” of God’s love, so it’s stored up in my spiritual pantry when I feel my supply is running low.