Back in Ecclesiastes (11) this morning and Solomon is talking about taking risks. I love it when God makes you uncomfortable when reading His Word. It means He is showing you where you need some pruning in your life, in my opinion. God doesn’t like comfort zones.
Well, as much as a God doesn’t like comfort zones, I don’t like risk. I like a sure thing. I like to know i’m not going to make a bad investment, get my feelings hurt or go down a path that God may not have for me. Well, once again God showed me that taking a risk is okay, when it has been prayed over and He has made a way for you.
Unfortunately, we are NOT in control of our lives when we trust in faith through Jesus.
Jesus is.
Lord, knows I try to be in control…especially when it’s something I don’t want at that moment, but God is saying, “I am giving you an amazing blessing (often right in front of you), don’t be afraid of what might go wrong and focus on what will go right if you keep me in the center of the risk.” Most often, I am held tightly on the ankles by the ropes of God, but I’m too scared to be raised over the cliff…because I might fall to uncertainty. Uncertainty is okay…we don’t have to be certain…we just have to have FAITH.
God calls us to step out in faith and leave the results to Him. Let the wind blow in your hair as you are held by a rope that IS certain and a God that offers rewards that are far greater than the risk!