Are you creative? I feel like I was born to create stuff. I am constantly creating in my mind and then I enjoy helping others create, too.
Why do I create? I do it because I love it. It brings me joy. Last week, I was at the studio standing at the counter working on a painting and these words were playing through my mind:
“We don’t try to create things that we do not love.”
We don’t make something and then throw it in the trash. We don’t create something unless it’s for a purpose, right?
Genesis 1 is the story of creation. It was part of a lesson on Sunday and then tonight as I sat down to read and study God’s Word it was the daily devotion from an app I use. Now, I don’t always listen very well, but I feel like God really wanted me to read the first Chapter and remind myself why God created this earth and mankind.
It was a display of love, y’all. He wouldn’t have created you and I “just because”…we are created for a purpose! He put His glory on display so that we would declare His greatness. God created because He is good and He is love. Love is meant to be shared, displayed and spread. In creation, God’s love was shared, displayed and spread through generations to you and me. We love, because He first loved us!
Out of all the things that I can create, my prayer is that I am always creating love for people…even those that will never love me back. It’s easy to love someone that loves you, but loving those that do not love you is where Our Creator is displayed. Our words and actions are a display of what lives within our heart. If we want to spread Jesus, we must spread love. There is no room for division or hate. If you love God, then loving others should be easy.
When we look at everyone as created in the image of God, it is easier to love like Jesus.
Let’s not forget how unlovable we are, yet God still loves us. I’ll say it again, God loves you. You are fearfully and wonderfully made by The Creator of the universe. Create an environment of God’s love that follows you wherever you go!