A corner of creativity and inspiration

Day after Day

As I was reading in Psalm 68 this morning, I loved verse 19. “May the Lord be praised! Day after day He bears our burdens; God is our salvation.”

Bearing our burdens day after day…

Man alive, I needed to hear that! We all have those burdens that are like unlabeled cardboard boxes. No one needs to know what is in them…but we carry them around trying to juggle them and keep them balanced with everything else we have going on in our lives. While doing that juggling act, we become exhausted…unable to take another step on some days because the burdens outweigh the blessings in our mind. 

Well, I am here to tell you this morning that God bears those burdens DAY AFTER DAY. You don’t have to rely on your weak muscles and your own abilities…God will carry them. The best part is, that even though you may not want everyone else to know the hardships you are facing, God knows. He can see what is in each of those boxes…He is your salvation. He is able to place each one of those burdens in His massive arms and handle them with ease. Your burdens don’t worry God, so don’t let them worry you! Let God load them up and haul them off today…you got blessings you need to pick up! There’s no room for the burdens when you load your mind (and arms) with the blessings of the Lord!