A corner of creativity and inspiration

Desperation (Psalm 88)

My sweet Tucker has been having a rough time over the last couple of weeks. This kid is wise beyond his years. I’ve watched my sweet, playful guy become somber and cry so many tears over the last week. All because he is struggling with the devil playing tricks with his mind…getting in his head and just plain out messin’ with him! As I was reading in Psalm 88, I could see such parallels to the desperation by the writer to my sweet Tucker. He has been desperate to rid the devil from attacking his mind.

He said he seen something that upset him and then I think playing video games has contributed to it a little bit, too. If you don’t believe that the devil uses things like television, movies and the internet to attack our children, you might want to stop reading this…then again, you might need to read it. I have always monitored what my kids watch or have access to, but the sad thing about the internet is that one video leads to another and another and then before they know it, they have been sucked into a dark realm of watching something that has nothing to do with their original intent. It’s quite scary as a mama to think of the darkness that lurks on the other side of a computer screen awaiting to devour our children.

Thankfully, my sweet Tucker did the right thing. He came to me to pray, we read The Word and he has even talked to our pastor about it. So blessed by a wonderful pastor and church family that encourages our family and always point us to the Lord. When your child tells you the thoughts inside his head scare him, and he doesn’t want to act on them, it’s so heartbreaking. Thankfully, he knows where to go. Just the like the writer of Psalm 88. His faith was evident, but he was still so sad. My sweet boy is going to be okay. The Holy Spirit that lives within him is bigger than the devil. The devil has no place in my home or yours.

If this post is for nothing more than you to take a moment and check up on your own babies and talk to them…see what they are watching and how it affects them. Also, for us as adults, we must be accountable to the content that goes into our heads, as well. What goes in, is what comes out. We have become the “stars” of our own lives with social media and diaries of our everyday lives. Unfortunately, we aren’t supposed to be the center…God is. It creates a lot of desperation within ourselves that could be avoided….we end up being prideful, jealous, bitter and hateful because we can’t live beyond our social media lives. We got to keep up with everyone else. Now, social media can be good, don’t get me wrong. However, I have seen it cause more problems than it has fix them. It’s all about balance, I suppose, but a lot of people don’t know how to balance and that’s when the devil creeps in our lives.

Let’s not forget the devil is real. He is attacking our children at a rate that is astounding. Are they grounded in their faith enough to talk about it? Are we pouring faith and speaking truth over our children or we allowing phones, the internet and this world to raise our babies? I know it’s tough…I debated on even writing this today, but I felt God wanted be to share it with someone. And honestly, I have a lump in my throat as finish up, because I’m not sure that it even makes sense. My fingers have just been going and I don’t have time to proofread because I have a busy day today. I just want to put it out there and let God use it for His glory.

As I have told Tucker, I am going to tell you so you can tell your babies (or yourself).

God is bigger than the devil.

The devil has no place in your life, so tell him to get out of your head.

God has big plans for you.

The devil wants to see you defeated. Don’t cry. Don’t worry. Trust that he knows where he is going and he doesn’t like it. You remind him of who you serve and smile…cause you have the joy of Jesus within you!

Don’t live in a dark place. Talk to someone. Encourage someone whenever you get the chance and love on those around you.


Read the Bible.

Desperation isn’t for the child of God. We may have times that we feel that way, but don’t live there, friend.

I love you.