The outpouring of the Holy Spirit is for all who call upon the name of the Lord.
Sunday was the Pentecost Sunday and as I have been going back and just reading Acts 1-2 and just letting the scriptures sink into my spirit I love a few things that God revealed to me as I read and meditated on His word…
The Holy Spirit gives us power. In the Greek, it’s meaning is one of miraculous, supernatural and dynamite power! You know I love the word dynamite…‘cause I can immediately picture a few sticks of dynamite bundled together and that gives me a visual for me to draw in my Bible or planner. And even more so, as I was reading in Acts 2 after Jesus had ascended to heaven, scripture says the disciples were all together in one place. I got to thinking about that, as it seemed “together” was the word that seemed to resonate in my soul. So here I sit, putting my pen to paper and fingers to keyboard, I couldn’t help but think of that dunamis (dynamite) power multiplied in believers when they are together.
For so long, Christians have shook their heads and wondered why things in the world are the way that they are. They don’t understand why people choose not to follow God and then why evil seems to run rampant. We look at the news or our social media pages in disbelief at the things that are taking place around us.
“Why is this happening”, we ask ourselves?
It’s sad to say, but Christian people are some of the most divided people. They will step over someone who needs Jesus to fuss and bicker over things of this world! Our job as Christians is not to collect our fire insurance from hell and sit back and watch everyone else burn. It is to take that power than comes from God and go out and radically and dynamically change this world through the power of the Holy Spirit! There are people dying and going to hell and they need us to change the landscape around them…to show them a God who loves them and cares for them and will be there with them through this life. We have a hope (like dynamite in our pocket) but we are afraid to share…because it might make some noise or shake things up a little bit!
Well, I know that scripture said it would and scripture will be fulfilled. But I can’t help but wonder what would happen if Christians would come together, pray and wait on the Lord as the disciples in the upper room. If we came together on business for the Lord and believed in the miraculous, supernatural and dynamite power that is held within the Holy Spirit! One stick of dynamite can change the landscape of what is around it, but pack together a few sticks and bundle them together and it will change its surroundings drastically. That’s exactly what happens in the life of a believer when they experience the power of the Holy Spirit! You are radically changed and those around take notice and are encouraged to change based on the fact that dunamis (supernatural power) isn’t from man, but from God!
When you have the Holy Spirit and you are allowing Him to lead you, convict you, guide you, and empower you…you are equipped with a supernatural, dynamite power to change this world. When you surrender yourself to Him, you are giving God permission to “light you up” and place you wherever you can be used to display His power! If that doesn’t get you excited, I don’t know what will!
Maybe it’s my coffee kicking in, but I love that the same power that rose Jesus from the grave…the same power that gave Jesus the ability to heal the sick and lame…the same power that flowed from Jesus as the lady in the crowd touched the hem of His garment in faith…that’s the same power that lives WITHIN me! That’s exciting and makes me want to go and radically change the figurative landscape of the world around me!
Just ask God for more of Him. What that looks like in your life may be completely different than what it looks like in mine. But I do know this…you ask and you will receive. You seek and you will find. You knock and the door will be opened! He wants to show you great and mighty things and use you to change the world! When we come together, we have the ability to shake things up, friend!