Most of the time, it is hard to mask a bad odor. Sometimes it seems like our noses can sniff out a stench even when masked behind a sweet-smelling scent.
In Ecclesiastes 10:1-3 it says,
“Dead flies putrefy the perfumer’s ointment, And cause it to give off a foul odor; So does a little folly to one respected for wisdom and honor. A wise man’s heart is at his right hand,
But a fool’s heart at his left. Even when a fool walks along the way, He lacks wisdom, And he shows everyone that he is a fool.”
Those words just caught my eyes this morning as I was flipping through my Bible pages. I don’t know why, but I feel like God has really been pointing me in the ways of scriptures that reinforce the need for me to be careful in all that I say and do. These days I have found it easy to voice my opinion on things that don’t really need my opinion. As believers, it is our job to walk in the knowledge and truth of Jesus and display that. When we call ourselves Christians and then act like we have no sense, then we have caused those who looked to us as an example and as proof of an Almighty God and His power in our lives to stumble and question. We have become nothing more than dead flies floating in our Chanel No. 5. Yes, it is our human right to voice our opinions and tell everyone how we feel, but more times than not, it is not needed and doesn’t glorify God at all!
Gosh, it was hard to swallow that, if I am being honest. It’s easy to say foolish things and act foolishly in uncertain times, but we must guard our heart with the Word of God and be careful of creating a stink in an otherwise pleasant environment.
When we call ourselves “Christians”, our words and our actions are being watched by this world. When we act foolishly and carelessly, it causes a stink to the sweet aroma that follows a child of God. That stink isn’t overlooked easily by naysayers. You aren’t going to lure anyone to Christ when your walk and your talk stink like trash. Last time I checked, no one hangs out in the garbage dumpsters because they smell good, but you can find a field full of beautiful, fragrant flowers and their pleasant aroma will attract you every time! [wpvideo ss7VTVkW ]