A corner of creativity and inspiration


Sometimes God asks you to go through some tough things on this side of eternity. 
I have learned through the tough times to trust in Him more. With gaining that trust, you lose fear…you become stronger in your faith…a warrior.

So many stories in the Bible, you see God preparing a way for people through a trial. My life doesn’t even compare to some of the heroes of faith, but one thing is certain…the hard times have made me confident in a God that can do anything He wants! 

As I look back over the last 18 months of my life with sadness at how things didn’t go the way I had them planned for my life many years ago…I can say that it was ALL worth it…’cause it brought me closer to the Lord. I have a smile on my face and a song in my heart. Beauty does come from the ashes…and I can go forward with happiness and at peace that God knows what He is doing. He is making the warrior in me stronger…tougher…and ready to take on whatever the devil decides to throw at me. 

Yesterday morning we sang these words over and over during worship and I am certain I needed the reminder from God that His Word is what got me through the hard times…yes, family and friends were amazing, but my Bible is coming apart from the time spent depending on His Word.

“Through it all, through it all,
I’ve learned to trust in Jesus,
I’ve learned to trust in God.
Through it all, through it all,
I’ve learned to depend upon His Word.”

Don’t get scared and give up. He is making a warrior out of you. Depend upon His Word.