A corner of creativity and inspiration

Fruit of the Spirit

I was sick yesterday and didn’t get out of bed due to a sick migraine and I’m still feeling the headache hangover this morning, so I decided to share an old drawing and something God laid on my heart as I was laying here trying to get out of bed and enjoy the last two days of vacation…
The Fruit of the Spirit. How appropriate I’m thinking of food when I was puking my guts out yesterday and the night before!
But anyways…I was thinking how many of these fruits do I actually display? If I took an honest look at myself in the mirror, I would probably say very few, if any. I read a Facebook post yesterday about someone doing a good deed and then getting cussed at? What is flipping wrong with people? 👊Well, we could say it’s just the world we are living in or whatever, but I know it’s that they are not living by the Spirit, but by the flesh! I know that even us who have Jesus in our hearts make stupid decisions sometimes, but when we choose to live in the Spirit, these fruits will be evident in our lives. You can’t contain love to others when you understand the love of Jesus. You can’t help but be patient when you realize how patient God has been with you…and you seek peace when you realize that you are surrounded by a temporary, chaotic world that isn’t your home.
So, I think I might need to put these nine words on the bathroom mirror as a reminder each day to display the fruit God has placed upon my tree. The Bible says when we live in the Spirit, we have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. That’s a hard bite to swallow, huh? Well, maybe not for the majority of you because you are more holy than me (kidding), but I have such a hard time letting go of what I want instead of what God wants. However, I can attest that His fruit is much sweeter than anything I can grow on my own. His fruits are never out of season and you never have to worry about them not tasting wonderfully sweet to the person receiving them! Now that makes me hungry to be more like Jesus and less like me.
Galatians 5:22-23